"We've organized a series of art auctions to raise money for Dylan's medical care. The theme is for artists to recreate Philip K Dick book covers. Although you'll see that in some cases publishers have donated some very rare books and other artists have donated other illustrations and sketches to the cause.
100% of the proceeds from these art sales go to Dylan Williams, founder of Sparkplug Comics Books, who was battling a serious case of cancer. Tragically Dylan passed away on 9/10/11 but the fundraisers will continue to help his family with the financial burdens from his medial care."
These are 2 pages I drew for the forthcoming Nobrow #6. The assignment was to do a story on the theme of doppelgangers or doubles. The printed pages will be in "two color" which means they will be in black and white plus one other color. Ganges-style. It may help you to see the way the final pages look after the photoshopping and text edits, and so you can see small versions of those here:
page 1
page 2
Here are photos of the originals. Click on the images to enlarge them. Direct links to the auctions are below the images.
(You also should check out all the beautiful stuff for sale at the Nobrow site.)
Batteries not included!